Sunday, 11 March 2012

Enough of this talk already!

It has been 4 days since Tim Cook tells us that it is going to be called "the new iPad".  So ?

I have been going through the net and found that there are as many people commenting on this naming convention, or simply the NAME, as much as the device itself.  Amazing!

Okay, so let's get this straight.  Some don't like like. (I updated my FB status with a sarcastic remark almost immediately after the launch) Some can bear with it while some supported it.  Regardless, all camps brought forward tonnes of reasons for one thing or another.  Fine.  To each his own.  But has anyone stop to think that it is actually very much part of Apple's game?

Look at it this way, the new iPad has nothing out-of-this-world kind of talking point.  It is pretty much as predicted by the rumour mills in the  months leading up to the launch.  How long can this talk be sustained?  How is Apple going to maintain the kind of enthusiasm as expected of them?  Will people get bored of it?  Sure, the new iPad has all the necessary upgrades that most users wanted but that will not provide sustenance.  That will not generate renewed enthusiasm.

Say, if you want to sell another 10 million of these things, what else can you do? The fanboys do not need prodding. They will buy one anyway. Those waiting to buy will go ahead regardless of its features. It is those who are still in the cloud about tablets that's crucial to Apple. There is a plateau period for any innovation.  There won't be another product that "reinvent" anything or "magical" coming your way anytime soon.  In the meantime, what are you to do?  You need the market to continuingly talk about it.  You need publicity.  If the publicity is free, better.

Enter Phil Schiller.  He stated that the naming was done so because Apple do not like to be predictable.  Read here Of course, nobody bought that.  But I think it has a certain amount of truth in it.  How else can you get people to talk about it if it offers nothing out of the expected?  Give them something unexpected to talk about!  Simple solution to a simple problem.  So, let's pull the rug with the name.  That will start them talking.

Did it work?  Well, people are talking and the pre-orders are "off-the-charts".  You tell me.

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