Thursday, 5 April 2012

Who can best play Steve Jobs?

I responded to a blog here about Rihanna playing Whitney.  The blog talked about the similaritie between these two wonderful singers and contrasted them against Ashton Kutcher playing Steve Jobs.  The point is that there are no similarity betwen the latter two.  I beg to differ.  Their looks are similar!  Beyond that, nothing.

I contended that as far as serious biopics are concerned, it would be paramount to present the subject, usually a legend, as closely as possible in the human side of it.  In other words, the actor portraying a legend must be able to act out the turmoils, elations and attitudes of the character as closely as possible.  As such, a lightweight actor will most probably not do justice to the legend of the subject.

Rihanna is a great singer.  She will be a legend in time to come but can she act?  I leave that to my readers to decide.  Along the same line, is Ashton good enough to portray Steve Jobs?  This is what I am curious to find out.  There are many names suggested by many people to play Steve Jobs.  I like you opinion on this.

Let's do a simple survey.  Kindly leave a name or names (in order of preference) in the comment of e-mail it to me.  We shall see what the general consensus be like.

Thank you.

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